sur NOA Lithium Brines Inc. (isin : CA6393571022)

NOA Lithium Initiates 2025 Exploration at Rio Grande

NOA Lithium Brines Inc. has launched its 2025 exploration activities at the Rio Grande Project in Argentina. The company has completed 28 Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) geophysics procedures. These efforts aim to enhance previous geophysical work and support the upcoming fresh and industrial water exploration program.

NOA has identified three areas with potential water supply for the Rio Grande Project. The VES surveys will help clarify the viability of these areas. Gabriel Rubacha, CEO, highlights the significant role of this development in the advancement of the project.

The Rio Grande Project forms part of NOA's significant lithium portfolio located within Argentina's Lithium Triangle. This region is strategically important for the lithium industry, and NOA is focused on expanding its resource potential through strategic exploration and development efforts.

R. E.

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