sur Nordea Bank Abp (isin : CH0284415681)

Nordea Bank Abp Announces Manager's Share-Based Incentive Receipt

Nordea Bank Abp disclosed that Nina Arkilahti, a member of the Nordea Group Leadership Team, has received 18,932 shares of the bank. This transaction, reported under the Market Abuse Regulation, aligns with the bank's incentive schemes for senior managers. The shares were received on April 4, 2024, adding to the transparency measures mandated by financial regulations.

As stated in the bank's announcement, the shares awarded to Arkilahti carry no cost (0 EUR), pointing towards a share-based incentive. This method of compensation is common among large corporations like Nordea Bank Abp, aiming to align the interests of the management with those of the shareholders. Market participants often view such transactions as a signal of the company's confidence in its management's ability to enhance shareholder value.

The financial community received this news through a stock exchange release, further complying with the disclosure requirements set by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Nordea Bank Abp ensures ongoing communication concerning transactions of this nature, underpinning its commitment to corporate governance and regulatory adherence.

R. E.

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