sur Nordea Bank Abp (isin : CH0284415681)

Nordea Bank Abp Discloses Manager's Transaction Involving Christina Gadeberg

Nordea Bank Abp has announced that Christina Gadeberg, a member of the Nordea Group Leadership Team, has acquired a total of 14,463 shares in the bank. This transaction, disclosed under the Market Abuse Regulation, was made known through an initial notification.

The transaction took place on April 4, 2024, and involved the receipt of a share-based incentive, marking Gadeberg's increased investment in the bank. Notably, the shares were received at no cost, highlighting the incentive nature of this transaction.

Such disclosures are part of regulatory requirements under the EU Market Abuse Regulation, aimed at ensuring transparency in financial dealings by senior management and key stakeholders within publicly traded companies.

The bank has communicated through Susanna Aarnio-Halme from Group Corporate Communication for further information regarding this significant managerial transaction. This announcement was made public to the shareholders and market participants, reinforcing Nordea Bank Abp's commitment to transparency and adherence to regulatory standards.

R. P.

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