sur Nordea Bank Abp (isin : CH0284415681)
Nordea Bank announces buyback of own shares
On February 19, 2024, Nordea Bank Abp announced that it had completed the buyback of its own shares, an operation carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. This buyback is part of a share buyback program announced on April 26, 2023, authorized by the General Meeting of Shareholders, with a maximum amount of 1 billion euros.
These transactions, conducted on various stock exchanges, involved a total of 190,949 shares at a total cost of approximately 2.119 million euros. Following these purchases, Nordea now holds a total of 14,742,277 shares as treasury stock for capital optimization, and 4,787,315 shares reserved for remuneration purposes.
Specifically, the transactions took place on the XHEL, CEUX, XSTO, and XCSE stock exchanges, with average prices per share slightly varying but remaining around 11.10 euros. Nordea Bank confirms that these acquisitions comply with EU regulations on share buybacks.
R. H.
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