sur North Peak Resources Ltd. (isin : CA6614441096)

North Peak Resources Reports Promising Drilling Results at Prospect Mountain

North Peak Resources Ltd. announced final assay results from their 2024 drilling campaign at Prospect Mountain in Nevada. The drilling aimed to explore the Wabash and Williams mine areas as well as historic Homestake locations. Significant findings include a 42.7-meter intersection grading at 2.1 g/t Au, with portions reaching 6.7 g/t and 5.8 g/t Au. These results were obtained from hole PM24-035 in the Williams area.

Continuous mineralization between the Wabash and Williams trends was confirmed, indicating potential for a large low-grade gold halo. High-grade gold was also detected, notably with hole PM24-039 yielding 22.9 meters at 12 g/t Au. The drilling campaign, aimed at proving the area's depth and width potential, consisted of 45 angled RC holes.

The drilling enhanced North Peak's geological understanding, suggesting steeply-dipping zones rather than earlier interpretations of flat-dipping pods. CEO Brian Hinchcliffe noted the promising continuity of mineralization, opening possibilities for future exploration.

R. H.

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