sur Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (NASDAQ:NAK)

Northern Dynasty Initiates Legal Actions Against EPA Veto and Files Takings Case

Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. and its subsidiary, Pebble Limited Partnership, have commenced two legal actions challenging the U.S. federal government's efforts to block the development of the Pebble Project, a mine in Alaska. The company aims to invalidate the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) veto, which they claim violates federal statutes and oversteps EPA's jurisdiction. The lawsuit alleges that the EPA's decision was arbitrary, violated Alaska's statehood rights, and was based on discredited information.

In addition to fighting the EPA's veto, Northern Dynasty has also filed a takings case in the United States Court of Federal Claims, arguing that the EPA's actions constitute an unconstitutional taking of its property rights. This suit seeks substantial compensation for the impediment to their mining development plans, emphasizing the significant potential value of the undeveloped copper deposit at the Pebble Project site.

Company President and CEO, Ron Thiessen, criticizes the EPA's overreach and emphasizes the suit's role in safeguarding Northern Dynasty's interests. Thiessen views the takings complaint as a strategic move to secure compensation should federal actions continue to unlawfully obstruct the Pebble Project's permitting process. The State of Alaska plans to file similar legal actions, highlighting aligned interests in the project's development.

R. P.

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