sur TUI AG (isin : DE000TUAG000)

Notable Changes in the Shareholder Composition of TUI AG

TUI AG has announced a significant development in the distribution of its shares. Following a notification from US-based Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., changes have been recorded in the voting rights and financial instruments associated with the company. February 21, 2024 marks the date the threshold was crossed or reached.

The announcement states that Goldman Sachs now holds a total of 5.57% of the voting rights of TUI AG, a decrease from the previous notification which showed 5.64%. This share is divided between 0.16% obtained directly by shares and 5.41% through various financial instruments. The structure of these instruments includes call rights, usage rights, warrants, convertible bonds and call options, highlighting a diversified investment strategy.

This communication falls within the framework of Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act], aimed at Europe-wide distribution. It shows the importance of monitoring changes within the shareholding of large listed companies to understand market dynamics and assess the influence of large investment groups on them.

R. P.

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