sur Ørsted A/S (isin : DK0060094928)

Notification of Managers' Transactions by Ørsted A/S Announced

Ørsted A/S, a prominent leader in green energy, has publicly disclosed a notification concerning transactions by its managers, aligning with the requirements of Article 19 of EU Regulation no. 596/2014. This announcement, released on 5 March 2024, details share-related transactions conducted by individuals in managerial positions within Ørsted A/S and their closely associated entities.

In the focus of this disclosure is Senior Vice President and Head of Strategy, Innovation, Portfolio, Partnerships & M&A, Varun Sivaram. The specific transactions carried out by Mr. Sivaram have been detailed in an attached PDF document for public review. Ørsted encourages inquiries and further discussion on this matter, directing interested parties to their Global Media Relations and Investor Relations contacts for more comprehensive information.

Ørsted A/S stays committed to transparency in its operations and adherence to regulatory requirements, reflecting its leadership position in the renewable energy sector. Such notifications are part of the company's ongoing efforts to maintain clear communication channels with its stakeholders and the broader market.

R. H.

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