sur Notion Builds LLC

Notion Builds LLC Launches Neo Spin Gaming Gadget on Kickstarter

Notion Builds LLC, a product design company from Texas, USA, has launched its latest innovation on Kickstarter—the Neo Spin. This gadget combines multiple functions and gaming aspects into a portable everyday carry item. Constructed from durable materials, the Neo Spin features a precision CNC-machined body with brass caps, a stainless steel disc, and a core ball bearing, making it ideal for various uses including dice games, roulette, and even as a fidget spinner.

The functionality of the Neo Spin is enhanced by its customizability; users can swap the SS disc engraved with different game elements according to their preference. This versatile product is designed for users of all ages and offers an imaginative way to engage with compact, functional, and fun gadgetry. With a diameter of just 40mm and a thickness of 10mm, it is designed to be portable and user-friendly.

Since launching on Kickstarter, Neo Spin has attracted significant attention, securing over 450 backers and $35,000 in funding. The campaign offers various rewards, including substantial discounts off the retail price. Neo Spin is not just a utility item but also a creative tool that offers personalized options for everyday challenges and entertainment.

R. E.

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