sur NuRAN Wireless Inc. (isin : CA67059X2059)

NuRAN Wireless Inc. launches two innovative new services, INSIGHT and SENTINEL

NuRAN Wireless Inc., a leading provider of mobile and broadband wireless infrastructure solutions, introduces two new services, INSIGHT and SENTINEL. INSIGHT, a geo-intelligence solution, offers a revolutionary planning method for building sites and selecting optimal locations. This service aims to transform the way Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) deploy their sites, ensuring success through a suite of advanced features.

SENTINEL, for its part, is a complete network monitoring and management solution aimed at 24/7 operability throughout the year. It provides real-time visibility into the performance of networks, applications and services, facilitating rapid identification and resolution of problems.

The introduction of INSIGHT and SENTINEL by NuRAN has generated notable interest from MNOs, notably for INSIGHT which has already enabled NuRAN to conclude agreements with four customers in 2024, representing a total of 1 million USD. SENTINEL also signed up its first customer, benefiting from the performance benefits offered by the service. NuRAN aims to expand the customer base of these services in search of partnerships and future collaborations. David Parsons, CTO of NuRAN, highlights the positive impact of these services on the performance and profitability of NuRAN sites, auguring the same success for other organizations.

R. P.

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