Obiz: Soaring Growth and New Ambitions by 2027

Obiz recorded strong growth in 2024 with a turnover rising to €124.4 million, an increase of 50% compared to 2023. Including the company HA PLUS PME, the proforma turnover reached €126 million. The successes come from the dynamism of the Relational and Affinity Programs, up 24%, and the e-commerce Stores, increasing by 52%.
The group confirms an EBITDA for 2024 of more than €3.5 million, marking an improvement of 59%. Obiz is banking on its Equinoxe 2027 strategic plan, aiming to double EBITDA by then. Past acquisitions, such as Adelya in 2022, have tripled turnover.
The plan emphasizes optimizing synergies and increasing margins to strengthen profitability. The objective is to stimulate cash flow generation and reduce debt by exploring new investment opportunities.
R. E.
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