Ocean Winds Secures 1.3 GW Offshore Wind Project in Australia

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENGIE (EPA:ENGI).

Ocean Winds, a joint venture formed by ENGIE and EDP Renewables, has been awarded exclusive development rights for a new 1.3 GW offshore wind farm in Australia. This project marks the first offshore wind tender in the country, granted by the Australian Government. The designated site for the wind farm lies off the coast of Gippsland, Victoria, covering an area of 150 km².

This initiative aligns with the State of Victoria's renewable energy goal, aiming for 95% renewable sources by 2035. The wind farm, known as High Sea Wind, is expected to supply electricity to one million Victorian households annually while reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 5.3 million tons per year.

ENGIE, which has been present in Australia since 1996, will leverage its extensive experience in renewable resources to support this venture. Currently, ENGIE oversees 18 GW of offshore wind projects globally and maintains a strong developmental pipeline in Australia.

R. P.

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