sur Oerlikon Metco Inc. (isin : CH0000816824)

Oerlikon announces resilient operational results and a strategy focused on surface solutions

Oerlikon presented its annual results, highlighting challenges in its Polymer Processing Solutions division but strong performance in Surface Solutions with 7% organic sales growth at constant exchange rates. The Swiss company also announced its latest strategic step to become a global leader specialized in surface solutions in the next 12 to 36 months. Despite a demanding environment, Oerlikon took significant measures in the fourth quarter to secure its future growth and improve profitability, including exceptional charges, mainly non-cash.

The introduction of an ordinary dividend of CHF 0.20 per share is in line with the company's dividend policy. For 2024, Oerlikon anticipates a high single-digit decrease in organic sales adjusted for exchange rates and an EBITDA operating margin of 15.0 to 15.5%. Growth in Surface Solutions is expected to offset the decline in Polymer Processing Solutions.

Oerlikon also mentioned measures taken to achieve its surface solutions leader strategy, including optimizing its industrial footprint and reshoring its additive manufacturing activities to the United States. The Surface Solutions division saw an increase in orders and sales, while the Polymer Processing Solutions division faced a challenging market, negatively impacting the group's overall results.

R. H.

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