sur Onco-Innovations Limited (isin : CA68237C1059)
Onco-Innovations' Technology Shows Promise in Reducing Cancer Recurrence
Onco-Innovations Limited has announced promising results for its licensed Polynucleotide Kinase 3'-Phosphatase (PNKP) inhibitors. These inhibitors target DNA repair processes in cancer cells, enhancing the effectiveness of radiation therapy and potentially improving patient outcomes.
The technology aims to prevent cancer cell regeneration, which is a significant challenge in oncology, especially with high recurrence rates in cancers like colon and ovarian. By disrupting the repair of radiation damage, these inhibitors could lead to better treatment results and longer remissions.
This approach not only targets reduction of recurrence rates but also offers economic benefits by potentially decreasing healthcare costs through fewer required treatments. The findings underline a potential shift in cancer treatment strategies, focusing more on long-term effectiveness.
R. H.
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