sur Ondine Biomedical Inc (LON:OBIMF)

Ondine Biomedical Inc. Secures $4 Million Investment from HCA Healthcare

Ondine Biomedical Inc., a Canadian life sciences firm, has announced a significant $4 million equity investment from hInsight-NX, LLC, a subsidiary of the prominent U.S. healthcare provider HCA Healthcare, Inc. This investment will occur through a private placement, involving the issuance of 38,033,412 new common shares at a price of approximately $0.10517 per share. These shares, representing 8.6041% of Ondine's enlarged capital, will be publicly traded starting January 29, 2025, on AIM.

The proceeds will support Ondine's strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing their long-term value propositions. The company forecasts a cash flow extension until early Q4 2025.

In a related update, the completion of a previous private placement agreement with a Canadian investor has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. The company remains hopeful regarding its successful resolution.

R. H.

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