sur OneSoft Solutions Inc. (isin : CA68276J1021)
OneSoft Solutions Finalizes Acquisition by Irth Solutions
On November 1, 2024, OneSoft Solutions Inc. completed its acquisition by Irth Solutions LLC, a Blackstone portfolio company. The deal, sanctioned by the Court of King's Bench in Alberta, follows a plan of arrangement wherein Irth acquired all outstanding common shares of OneSoft for $0.88 per share. The transaction is valued at approximately CDN $113.4 million. Consequently, OneSoft's shares will be delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange, and the company plans to cease being a reporting issuer under Canadian securities laws.
Shareholders can expect payment for their shares through their intermediaries. Registered shareholders are advised to follow the instructions in the Letter of Transmittal for payment processing. Before the transaction, Irth held no shares of OneSoft. Further details and documents are available through Irth's CEO, Brad Gammons.
R. E.
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