sur OneSoft Solutions Inc. (isin : CA68276J1021)

OneSoft Solutions Inc. Receives Interim Order and Schedules Shareholder Vote on Arrangement with irth Solutions LLC

OneSoft Solutions Inc. (TSX-V:OSS) announced it received an interim order from the Court of King's Bench of Alberta. The order allows the company to proceed with a special shareholder meeting on October 24, 2024, to vote on a proposed arrangement with irth Solutions LLC and its subsidiary, irth Acquisition Corp. Each share will be acquired for C$0.88 in cash, representing a 42% premium to the closing price on August 9, 2024.

Shareholders are to receive the meeting materials by September 27, 2024. These documents include details about the arrangement and instructions on how to vote. The arrangement is expected to close by October 30, 2024. The OneSoft board unanimously recommends that shareholders vote for the arrangement, noting that it provides immediate liquidity and a fair value for their investments.

R. E.

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