sur Lalique Group SA (isin : CH0033813293)

Ordinary general meeting of Lalique Group SA

On June 28, 2024, during the ordinary general meeting in Zurich, the shareholders of Lalique Group SA approved all proposals of the board of directors. The shareholders validated the management report, the consolidated and annual accounts as well as the 2023 ESG report.

Silvio Denz, president, as well as Roland Weber, Claudio Denz, Jan Kollros, Yugnesh Kumar Agrawal and Philippe Vidal were reappointed to their positions on the board of directors.

Shareholders also approved the delisting of SIX Swiss Exchange shares, subject to the completion of the public takeover offer from Silvio Denz. This offer, announced on May 31, 2024, targets minority shareholders of Lalique Group.

R. H.

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