sur Orora Packaging Solutions (NASDAQ:ORA)

Orora's Innovative Jarbot™ Wins 2024 SPC Innovators Award

On April 4, 2024, Orora Packaging Solutions announced its Jarbot™ Reusable Packaging System was awarded the top prize in the Overall Packaging System Category by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) Innovators Awards. The award places a spotlight on significant strides toward sustainable packaging solutions, recognizing Orora for its ground-breaking system designed to reduce single-use packaging through reuse and refill strategies.

Chris Bradley, Chief Marketing, Design, and Sustainability Officer at Orora Packaging Solutions, expressed the company's honor in receiving this accolade. The Jarbot™ system, he explained, is designed to simplify the process for consumer-packaged goods (CPG) brands and retailers aiming to scale their reusable packaging efforts. By facilitating cost-effective collection, cleaning, and refilling, Jarbot™ stands as a pivotal advancement towards sustainable consumer packaging, potentially servicing a wide array of products including food, personal care, and cleaning supplies.

Evaluated by a panel of experts, including members of the SPC Executive Committee and external specialists, the award underscores the need for collaborative effort across the industry to enhance the scalability and efficiency of reusable packaging. Orora’s achievement with Jarbot™ represents a significant step toward more sustainable packaging solutions for a variety of consumer goods.

R. H.

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