sur Ãrsted A/S (isin : DK0060094928)
Ørsted and PGE Commit to Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm
Ørsted and PGE have finalized their investment decision on the 1.5 GW Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm. Located 40 km off the Polish coast near Ustka, the project is anticipated to be fully operational by 2027. This venture marks a 50/50 partnership between Ørsted and PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.
Baltica 2 has secured a 25-year inflation-protected contract for difference with the Polish state. All permits have been granted, and a grid connection contract has been signed with PSE, the Polish transmission operator. Major component and vessel contracts have been secured, mitigating project risks.
This wind farm is poised to produce green energy for about 2.5 million Polish homes, aligning with Poland's aim to become a low-emission economy by 2040. The initiative is seen as a step forward for Poland's energy transition, enhancing both energy security and economic development.
R. E.
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