sur Ørsted A/S (isin : DK0060094928)

Ørsted renews its management team with new CFO and COO

The Board of Directors of Ørsted A/S, a leading renewable energy company, today announced the arrival of Trond Westlie as the group's new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective April 1, 2024 Trond Westlie, with a rich career as CFO in several large companies, including AP Moller-Maersk, will bring his international financial experience to the management team. Currently Chairman of the Board at Arendals Fossekompani and Board Member at Wilhelmsen group, Westlie is preparing to support the implementation of Ørsted's strategy announced on February 7, 2024.

On the same day, Patrick Harnett will join the Ørsted executive team as Chief Operating Officer (COO). Having joined Ørsted in 2016, Harnett has been a pillar in the development and construction of Hornsea 3, which will become the world's largest offshore wind farm. Harnett's project execution skills are praised by Mads Nipper, Chairman and CEO of the group, anticipating a significant contribution to the company.

Rasmus Errboe and Andy Brown, having assumed the roles of interim CFO and COO respectively, will return to their previous positions at the end of March 2024. Andy Brown is proposed as vice chairman of the board during the annual general meeting on March 5 2024, a testimony to his effective leadership during his interim period.

The announcement of these appointments does not change Ørsted's previously published financial forecast for fiscal year 2024, confirming the company's strategic direction.

R. P.

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