OVHcloud Reports 10.1% Revenue Growth in Q3 FY2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action OVH (EPA:OVH).

OVHcloud recorded a revenue of €251 million in Q3 FY2024, marking a 10.1% increase from the previous year. Like-for-like growth stood at 9.0%. The Public Cloud segment achieved an 11.9% growth and the Private Cloud segment grew by 10.7%, driven by strong demand in the U.S. market.

For the first nine months of FY2024, total revenue reached €737 million, representing a 10.5% rise. OVHcloud continues to expand internationally, with significant progress in the U.S. and opening a new data center in Sydney to cater to Asia Pacific demand.

The company is enhancing its AI offerings with NVIDIA GPUs and advanced AI models. OVHcloud confirmed its annual targets, including 9-10% organic revenue growth and an adjusted EBITDA margin exceeding 37%.

R. P.

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