PATRIMOINE ET COMMERCE announces its acquisitions of its own shares
The company PATRIMOINE ET COMMERCE has published a summary of transactions carried out on its own shares outside of the liquidity contract between March 18 and 22, 2024. According to the press release, a total of 693 shares were acquired during this period, with a weighted average price acquisition of 19.273581 euros per share. The acquisitions were made through the XPAR marketplace.
The details of the transactions reveal that the volume of acquisitions varies every day, starting with 193 shares on March 18 for a price of 19.20 euros per share. The least active day was March 19 with the purchase of 10 shares at a price of 19.15 euros. The most significant transaction took place on March 22, with 199 shares purchased for an average price of 19.444221 euros.
These operations are part of the regular activities of managing the company's own shares. PATRIMOINE ET COMMERCE makes detailed reporting of these transactions available on its website, in the Finance/Financial Documents section.
R. H.
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