sur Pentixapharm Holding AG (isin : DE000A40AEG0)
Pentixapharm Advancing Clinical Trials for Leukemia Treatment
Pentixapharm Holding AG, a German biopharmaceutical company, announced the treatment of the first patient in its Phase I/II trial using Lu177-PentixaTher. This new radiopharmaceutical targets adults with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Conducted at the Nantes University Hospital, the trial is backed by the French Ministry of Health, aiming to assess the safety and efficacy of the therapy.
The study plans to enroll up to 21 patients over two years, focusing on determining the maximal tolerated dose and analyzing key response parameters. This trial is pivotal due to the high incidence rates of AML and ALL compared to other blood cancers like T-cell lymphoma. Lu177-PentixaTher combines with the radioisotope Lutetium-177, previously successful in other cancer treatments.
AML and ALL are aggressive cancers requiring more treatment options. Current therapies often involve harsh chemotherapy and transplants. Pentixapharm’s approach offers a targeted radiotherapy potentially addressing these unmet medical needs.
R. H.
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