sur Pentixapharm Holding AG (isin : DE000A40AEG0)

Pentixapharm Holding AG Reports a EUR 14 Million Loss for 2024 Financial Year

Pentixapharm Holding AG has announced a loss of approximately EUR 14 million for the 2024 financial year. This figure includes risk provisions for Myelo amounting to EUR 7 million. The financial results reflect an operating loss of EUR 7 million and non-cash write-downs on intangible assets. These write-downs are related to terminated development projects at Myelo Therapeutics GmbH, a subsidiary of Pentixapharm.

The financial challenges were exacerbated by the recent change in the U.S. administration, leading to the cancellation or non-extension of previous funding programs that supported Myelo's projects. The company plans to release its detailed annual report on April 15, 2025.

R. H.

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