Performance of Kumulus Vape in the 3rd quarter of 2024

Kumulus Vape announced a turnover of 14.8 million euros for the third quarter of 2024, representing 70% of its annual target. The cumulative turnover as of September 30 reached 44.9 million euros. This performance comes in a demanding economic context, as the company completes its restructuring plan.
The majority of revenues come from the BtoB segment, which represents 83.9% of the activity, with 12.4 million euros. The BtoC sector generated 1.2 million euros and the branch network, 1, 1 million euros. According to Rémi Baert, CEO of Kumulus Vape, the integration of the Cigaverte network strengthens the offer of vaping solutions.
Kumulus Vape is preparing for a dynamic end of the year with the support of recent distribution agreements and the favorable period of the fourth quarter. The company maintains its annual target of 64 million euros.
R. P.
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