sur Perk Labs Inc. (isin : CA3767901018)

Perk Labs Inc. Announces Extension of its Private Placements

Perk Labs Inc. has recently announced the extension of its previously announced non-brokered private placements involving Units and Convertible Debentures. The Units are offered at a price of $0.01 each, consisting of one common share of the company and one warrant. The warrant entitles the holder to purchase an additional common share at a price of $0.05 for a period of 24 months. The convertible debentures, on the other hand, are offered for a term of 2 years with an interest rate of 15% and can be converted into common shares at a price of $0.05 per share.

The closing of the private placements is scheduled for March 15, 2024. It is also noted that a finder's fee may be payable in connection with these placements. Additionally, Perk Labs is considering debt settlement agreements with certain creditors for an aggregate amount of up to approximately $250,000 of professional services debt.

Specializing in mobile ordering and payment systems, Perk Labs offers solutions that allow users to scan a QR code or NFC sticker to order and pay directly from a mobile phone. This technology is particularly aimed at environments hosting multiple retailers, such as stadiums and arenas, university campuses, conference centers, festivals, charities, hotels, and resorts.

R. P.

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