sur Peugeot Invest (EPA:PEUG)
Peugeot Invest Announces Board Leadership Changes in 2025

Peugeot Invest's Board of Directors has announced leadership changes to be effective following the Annual General Meeting on May 20, 2025. Édouard Peugeot will take over as Non-Executive Chairman of the Board, succeeding Robert Peugeot, who will be named Honorary Chairman.
This leadership transition comes in accordance with the Company’s statutory age limit for board members. Robert Peugeot's roles as Chairman and Director will end as the shareholders approve the 2024 financial statements at the upcoming meeting.
The Governance, Nominations, and Compensation Committee, led by Dominique Netter, played a crucial role in the selection process. Supported by an international executive search firm, their recommendation to appoint Édouard Peugeot was unanimously approved by the Board.
Édouard Peugeot brings extensive experience in the investment industry and has served on the Board since 2020. Robert Peugeot will continue to be involved with select subsidiaries of the company until 2026.
R. P.
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