sur Pompa Program

Pompa Program Highlights Chemicals as Major Causes of Gut Problems

In a recent blog post titled "What Causes Gut Problems - Chemicals And Toxins," Dr. Daniel Pompa reveals the primary drivers of gut issues in the United States. He explains that many chemicals still in use in the U.S. have been banned or restricted in Europe, which may account for the lower prevalence of these problems there.

Dr. Pompa cites studies that show how exposure to chemicals like BPA, phthalates, PFAS, and glyphosate disrupts the gut microbiome. For instance, a study on zebrafish found that even low levels of BPA led to gut inflammation and increased intestinal permeability.

Phthalates have also been linked to gut imbalance and conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and food allergies. Similarly, PFAS exposure has been associated with gut inflammation and diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Moreover, glyphosate disrupts bacterial balance in the gut, contributing to conditions such as leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases like IBD. Dr. Pompa's blog offers deeper insights and recommendations for addressing these issues.

For more information, visit the Pompa Program website.

R. E.

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