sur Pompa Program

Pompa Program Shares New Insights Into What Causes Brain Fog

Dr. Daniel Pompa, founder of the Pompa Program, references studies showing how heavy metals cause brain fog in his recent blog. Heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and aluminum are harmful, especially to the central nervous system. These metals bind with brain proteins and disrupt normal functions, leading to symptoms like fatigue, depression, and concentration difficulties.

Mercury, in particular, is a potent neurotoxin due to its binding ability with cellular molecules. This leads to a cascade of neurological issues, including brain fog. Aluminum, commonly found in consumer goods, is linked to cognitive impairment according to new research.

Studies indicate that glyphosate increases the blood-brain barrier's permeability, allowing more heavy metals into the brain, worsening neurodegeneration. Dr. Pompa's 5Rs technique targets removing these toxins to reverse brain fog and related conditions.

R. P.

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