sur PPX Mining Corp (isin : CA69354U1003)
PPX Mining Corp Announces Interim Financial Results for First Quarter 2024
PPX Mining Corp, a mining company based in Canada and operating in Peru, recently filed its interim financial statements and management analysis (MDA) for the first quarter of fiscal 2024. The filing was made on February 26, 2024 on SEDAR+ , a financial information platform. The documents are publicly available at
Notably, the company operates the Igor Project, a flagship initiative for PPX Mining Corp, focusing on gold and silver mining in northern Peru. This project is located in the prolific gold belt of La Libertad department, known for its rich mineral deposits.
John Thomas, CEO of PPX Mining Corp, highlighted the importance of this financial publication, reflecting the company's current activities and performance in a complex and constantly evolving market.
R. H.
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