PRIMEPULSE Sells Majority Stake in glueckkanja to Norvestor

MUNICH/OFFENBACH, 3 July 2024 - PRIMEPULSE SE has successfully sold its majority stake in glueckkanja AG to Norvestor IX SCSp. glueckkanja is a leading Cloud Managed Service Provider within the Microsoft ecosystem in Europe.

With over 25 years of experience, glueckkanja offers a combination of standardized cloud managed services, its own Cloud Security Operations Center, and various SaaS solutions. The company is recognized as one of Microsoft's top partners in Germany and has earned the title of Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year eight times.

Thanks to PRIMEPULSE's support, glueckkanja has expanded internationally with offices in Germany, Austria, Spain, and Australia. The company employs around 180 people and is highly rated as an employer. The existing management team, led by CEO and Co-Founder Christian Kanja, will remain with the company post-acquisition.

Klaus Weinmann, CEO & Co-Founder of PRIMEPULSE, expressed gratitude towards the glueckkanja team and noted PRIMEPULSE's strategic advisor role as instrumental in the company's growth. Christian Kanja also thanked PRIMEPULSE for their valuable support and expressed enthusiasm about working with Norvestor.

R. E.

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