sur ProCredit Holding AG & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0006223407)

ProCredit Group Reports 9M 2024 Financial Results

ProCredit Holding AG has posted strong financial results for the first nine months of 2024, with a notable 9.0% growth in its loan portfolio, primarily driven by private, micro, and small business segments. Concurrently, deposits rose by 7.8%, reflecting steady client growth. The group achieved a profit of EUR 84.8 million, equating to an 11.3% return on equity.

The group reported a 9.8% rise in operating income, supported by increased net interest income. Cost-income ratio increased due to higher staff and IT investments, reaching 65.7%. Loss allowances decreased significantly, contributing to a low cost of risk.

Capitalisation levels remain strong, with a CET1 ratio of 14.1%. The group plans to allocate one-third of the year's results for a potential 2025 dividend.

R. P.

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