sur Pyrum Innovations AG (isin : DE000A2G8ZX8)

Pyrum Innovations AG begins work on its new facility in Perl-Besch

Pyrum Innovations AG has started preparations for the construction of its new pyrolysis plant in Perl-Besch. The company received permission to clear the site, which covers an area of 8,500 m². This development is part of Pyrum's expansion, aiming to double its current production capacity with a second facility planned to process 20,000 tonnes of scrap tires per year.

Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations AG, expressed his enthusiasm for the progress of the deployment plan, highlighting the efficiency and speed of preparations since the development plan was approved by the city council earlier in the month. Construction of this new factory is expected to begin in the second half of 2024, with completion expected by the end of 2025.

This expansion reflects Pyrum Innovations AG's commitment to the recycling market, using patented pyrolysis technology to transform end-of-life tires into renewable raw materials while minimizing CO2 emissions. The company pursues a sustainable business model, thereby contributing to closing the loop on recyclable materials.

R. P.

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