sur Pyrum Innovations AG (isin : DE000A2G8ZX8)

Pyrum Innovations AG Completes World's Largest Grinding Plant for rCB

Pyrum Innovations AG has successfully finished assembling the largest grinding plant for recovered Carbon Black (rCB) at its main facility in Dillingen. With a processing capacity of 1,350 kg/h, the new plant, developed by Hosokawa, aims to enhance Pyrum's production capabilities significantly.

The plant's completion follows last year's installation of two new reactors and marks a strategic expansion of production capacity. Commissioning is planned for April 2025, with full production expected to start in the third quarter of 2025. CEO Pascal Klein sees this development as a crucial step towards sustainable circular economy growth.

Technical integration with an upcoming pelleting plant necessitates careful coordination. This new phase of growth underscores Pyrum's commitment to providing innovative, sustainable recycling solutions.

R. P.

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