sur Pyrum Innovations AG (isin : DE000A2G8ZX8)

Pyrum Innovations AG Delivers Its First Batch of Pyrolytic Oil to BASF

Pyrum Innovations AG announces a new milestone with the first delivery of pyrolytic oil from its new reactor to BASF. The production of this oil, meeting the required specifications after rigorous testing, marks a significant step in the deployment of the company's patented pyrolysis technology for sustainable recycling of end-of-life tires.

A shipment of 24,000 liters of pyrolytic oil has been transported to BASF, signaling the beginning of a promising collaboration and the efficiency of Pyrum's new facility in Dillingen/Saar. To date, approximately 60,000 liters of oil have been produced, with plans to accelerate production and delivery in the near future.

The next phase of operation will focus on self-generated electricity production from pyrolysis gas, highlighting the sustainable aspect of this innovation. The current achievements and the environmental and quality certifications obtained reflect Pyrum Innovations AG's commitment to a circular economy and reducing CO2 emissions.

R. H.

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