sur Pyrum Innovations AG (isin : DE000A2G8ZX8)
Pyrum Innovations AG Reaches Significant Rollout Milestones
Pyrum Innovations AG has achieved key milestones in its rollout plan. The company submitted approval documents for GreenFactory II GmbH, located in Perl-Besch, under Germany's Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz. This submission marks progress towards the construction of their new plant, scheduled to begin in spring 2025.
At the Dillingen/Saar site, Pyrum reported nearly 2,000 operating hours on TAD 2 and over 1,000 on TAD 3. These milestones are crucial for upcoming investment decisions and demonstrate the performance of Pyrum's technology. Additionally, the extension of production intervals on new lines suggests improved efficiency and output.
CEO Pascal Klein expressed pride in these advancements and the potential for future projects, underscoring Pyrum's commitment to sustainable production with its thermolysis technology.
R. E.
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