sur Q2 Metals Corp. (isin : CA74830U1049)

Q2 Metals Corp Announces 2025 Drill Program for Cisco Lithium Project

Q2 Metals Corp has unveiled details for its 2025 Winter Drill Program at the Cisco Lithium Project in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec. The program, set to begin on February 1, 2025, is fully funded and aims to drill 6,000 - 8,000 meters using two diamond drill rigs. This exploration seeks to expand the exceptional results from the 2024 campaign.

The previous campaign included notable findings such as 215.6 meters at 1.69% Li2O and 347.1 meters at 1.35% Li2O. Q2 Metals plans to test new zones southwest and east of previous drill holes. The program is expected to continue until mid-April 2025.

Additionally, Q2 Metals will participate in upcoming industry events like the AME Roundup and PDAC 2025, showcasing core samples from the Cisco Project. These efforts underline Q2 Metals' commitment to advancing its exploration activities and uncovering further mineral potential.

R. H.

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