sur QSC AG (isin : DE0005137004)

Q.beyond Targets 10% EBITDA Margin in Medium Term

q.beyond AG has announced plans to enhance profitability, aiming for an EBITDA margin of at least 10% in the medium term. The IT service provider projects a margin of around 5% for 2024 and seeks to increase this to 7% to 8% in 2025. The strategy focuses on expanding the company’s technology and sector expertise, notably using AI and boosting nearshoring and offshoring.

The company aims to strengthen earnings by leveraging its sector expertise in retail, logistics, manufacturing, financial services, and the public sector, with logistics being a significant driver. CEO Thies Rixen highlights the importance of sector expertise in achieving these goals. With €39 million in net liquidity, q.beyond is positioned for potential acquisitions to solidify its market standing.

q.beyond also plans to raise its nearshoring and offshoring quota to at least 20% by the end of 2025, up from 13%.

R. H.

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