sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)

QNX and Pi Square Technologies Partner to Train Indian Engineers

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BlackBerry QNX (EBR:BB).

QNX, a division of BlackBerry Limited, has announced a multi-year partnership with Pi Square Technologies to train thousands of software engineers across India. This initiative is part of QNX's international expansion strategy, QNX Everywhere. The collaboration aims to develop a robust talent pipeline to strengthen India's embedded software ecosystem.

This effort includes integrating QNX technologies into engineering curricula at hundreds of Indian academic institutions. The goal is to provide practical knowledge in embedded systems development, addressing the high demand for skilled professionals in automotive, medical, robotics, and industrial automation sectors. This initiative also aligns with the activities of QNX's Engineering and Innovation Center in Hyderabad, established in 2023.

The collaboration reflects a commitment to nurturing talent in India, with ambitions to equip engineers with essential skills to make meaningful contributions immediately upon entering the workforce.

R. H.

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