sur Quebec Precious Metals Corporation (isin : CA7481401007)
Quebec Precious Metals Secures $200,000 from Asset Sale in Ontario
Quebec Precious Metals Corporation (QPM) has announced the receipt of $200,000 following the sale of its 50% interest in certain mining rights in Matheson Township, Ontario. This transaction was completed with International Explorers and Prospectors Inc. (IEP).
The sale marks a notable step for QPM as it focuses on other strategic projects. The company holds significant land in Quebec's Eeyou Istchee James Bay territory, eyeing advancement of the Sakami gold project and the Ninaaskuwin lithium discovery on the Elmer East project. Additionally, QPM maintains a 68% stake in the Kipawa rare earths project near Temiscaming, Quebec.
This development underscores QPM's commitment to strategic asset management while reinforcing its focus on core projects with high potential.
R. H.
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