sur Quebec Precious Metals Corporation (isin : CA7481401007)
Quebec Precious Metals Unveils Promising Lithium Findings at Ninaaskumuwin
Quebec Precious Metals Corporation has concluded its maiden drilling campaign on the Ninaaskumuwin project in Quebec's Eeyou Istchee James Bay area. The campaign covered 825 meters in five holes, unearthing +20-meter-thick spodumene-bearing pegmatite in three of them, suggesting mineral continuity up to 150 meters deep. This finding indicates potential for substantial lithium resources, as initial outcrop samples showed lithium oxide assays ranging from 1.10% to 3.92%.
The mineralized pegmatite dykes comprise mainly quartz, feldspar, and significant spodumene crystals. The spodumene contributes to the lithium potential, appearing as elongated crystals within the host metasedimentary rock. This development is enhanced by the strategic location, roughly 50 km from the Galaxy project, part of Rio Tinto's recent acquisition.
Quebec Precious Metals plans further drilling to enhance understanding of the pegmatite body's geometry and potential, supported by GeoVector Management’s oversight of drilling and sampling processes.
R. E.
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