sur Recollective Inc.

Recollective launches two revolutionary offers for participant engagement in market research

Recollective, a leader in the market research technology industry in Ottawa, has announced the launch of Recollective Connect and the Recollective Qualtrics integration. These innovative solutions promise to significantly enhance interaction between market research agencies, brands, and their participants. Recollective Connect aims to simplify participant management and engagement while connecting to various research tools, thus creating an efficient connected community.

Recollective Connect is designed to reduce participant disengagement rates and facilitate the launch of qualitative studies, saving time and resources while enhancing the quality of insights. In parallel, the Recollective Qualtrics integration allows for a seamless import of participant data from Qualtrics to the Recollective platform, providing a no-code solution that streamlines the research processes.

Alfred Jay, CEO of Recollective, emphasizes the importance of these launches, highlighting their potential to enrich brand experience and accelerate quantitative and qualitative research efforts while reducing research costs. These innovations further underscore Recollective's commitment to the development of effective and accessible market research technologies, showcasing over two decades of significant contributions in the field.

R. H.

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