sur Kudelski Group (isin : CH0012268360)

RecovR ID Check: Securing Automotive Transactions from Fraud

Kudelski IoT, part of the Kudelski Group, has unveiled RecovR ID Check to enhance fraud prevention for U.S. automotive dealerships. This new solution aims to combat identity theft during test drives and financing. Growing identity crimes have left dealers vulnerable, often realizing fraud up to 90 days post-purchase when payments default.

Dennis Gingrich of The Niello Company emphasized the importance of this tool, highlighting its integration in existing dealership workflows without extra equipment costs. RecovR ID Check enables real-time ID verification to secure transactions, reducing the risk of fraud.

Patrick Hauert of Kudelski IoT stated the solution's ability to reinforce fraud prevention efforts. Kudelski IoT will present this and other solutions at the NADA Show 2025 in New Orleans.

R. P.

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