Recticel Announces Collaboration Between Trimo and Pininfarina

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action RECTICEL (EBR:RECT).

Recticel has revealed a significant partnership with Trimo and Pininfarina to produce the Qbiss Notch Wall System, debuted at MIPIM in Cannes. This collaboration merges Trimo's engineering in insulated panels and Pininfarina's iconic design innovation. The Qbiss Notch Wall System includes versatile panels, a distinct graphic language, and a modular "wing" for decoration and illumination, aiming to enhance architectural aesthetics and emulate vertical dynamicity.

Jan Vergote, CEO of Recticel, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership, highlighting the adaptability and potential of Trimo's insulated panels and the Qbiss range. He viewed Pininfarina as an exemplary partner to manifest how their products can revolutionize landscapes while promoting sustainability. This collaboration sets a precedent in combining high-grade engineering with seminal design principles to create impactful and sustainable architectural solutions.

R. E.

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