sur RedCoach

RedCoach Launches a New Luxury Route between Orlando and Atlanta

RedCoach announces the launch of a new luxury bus service connecting Atlanta to Orlando, operational seven days a week starting on February 22, 2024. This initiative aims to provide a comfortable and convenient travel experience, especially for families heading to Disney and business travelers. With an estimated travel time of 7 hours and 30 minutes, the services include onboard Wi-Fi and tables for laptops.

Florencia Cirigliano, CEO of RedCoach, emphasizes the importance of this expansion in the company's network, meeting a strong demand from the traveling community between these dynamic cities, including Gainesville and Miami. This new service aims to reduce the stress of flying and driving, offering an advantageous alternative in terms of comfort and cost.

Safety and comfort are priorities at RedCoach, which offers reclining luxury seats with extra legroom at competitive rates. As a launch promotion, RedCoach is offering tickets at $15 with the promo code ATLANTA15, available until stocks last or until March 1, before standard pricing starting at $24.99.

R. H.

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