sur Reinet Investments SCA (isin : LU0383812293)

Reinet Fund's NAV Sees Increase as of 31 December 2024

Reinet Fund S.C.A., F.I.S. has reported its net asset value (NAV) per share at €40.46 as of 31 December 2024, reflecting a rise from €38.48 on 30 September 2024. This increase results in a total NAV of €6,930 million, up by €339 million. Reinet Investments S.C.A., the parent company, fully owns the 171.3 million shares of Reinet Fund, alongside 1,000 management shares.

The NAV encapsulates holdings in Pension Insurance Corporation Group Limited and British American Tobacco (BAT), among other assets. Notably, BAT shares sold in January 2025 will impact future NAV calculations. The Reinet Fund's NAV influences Reinet Investments’ balance sheet, but their NAVs may differ due to various independent assets and liabilities. Reinet Investments S.C.A.'s NAV will be released soon, providing further insights.

R. E.

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