sur Reinet Investments SCA (isin : LU0383812293)
Reinet Investments Reports Growth in Q3 2024
Reinet Investments S.C.A. has reported its financial results for the third quarter ended 31 December 2024. The net asset value (NAV) reached €6.9 billion, marking a growth of 9.2% annually since March 2009. This quarter alone saw a NAV increase of €338 million, or 5.1%, from the previous quarter's €6.591 billion. The NAV per share rose to €38.12, up from €36.25 as of 30 September 2024.
The company made €41 million commitments in existing investments and reported a dividend income of €31 million from British American Tobacco (BAT). Additionally, Reinet sold 5 million BAT shares, securing €179 million in the quarter. In January 2025, a further sale of 43.3 million BAT shares realized €1.448 billion.
Reinet Investments operates from Luxembourg and is listed on multiple exchanges including Luxembourg and Johannesburg.
R. P.
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