sur Reinet Investments SCA (isin : LU0383812293)
Reinet Investments SCA Announces Changes in Shareholding
Reinet Investments SCA has announced a significant change in its shareholding structure. On 23 January 2025, Reinet was informed by Public Investment Corporation Soc Limited (PIC) of a decrease in PIC’s voting rights, falling to 29,305,055 shares. This now represents 14.956% of Reinet's voting rights, dropping below the 15% threshold, as per Luxembourg regulations.
Reinet Investments SCA is a partnership limited by shares based in Luxembourg, facilitating shareholder participation through its subsidiary, Reinet Fund S.C.A., F.I.S. The company’s ordinary shares are traded on several exchanges, including Luxembourg, Euronext Amsterdam, and Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
R. E.
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