sur Relevant Gold Corp. (isin : CA75941G1081)

Relevant Gold Secures $8.5 Million in Private Placement Led by Kinross and Bollinger

Relevant Gold Corp. has finalized the second tranche of its non-brokered private placement, raising a total of $8,534,199.90. This round included 23,527,333 common shares issued at a price of $0.30 per share. Strategic investors Kinross Gold Corporation and William G. Bollinger acquired substantial shares, each securing a 19.9% stake in the company. This deal underscores significant interest from these investors.

New agreements grant Kinross and Bollinger rights to nominate board members and access key company information. Proceeds will support exploration projects in Wyoming and enhance working capital. Shares from this tranche remain subject to a Canadian restricted resale period.

Bollinger’s involvement classifies as a "related party transaction" but is exempt from specific valuation and approval requisites. The offering is unavailable to U.S. investors due to regulatory restrictions.

R. E.

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